The benefits of coconut in the hair !
Coconut oil, crème coiffante shampooing etc… Certainly, you l & rsquo; have understood, le COCO est un élément VITAL pour vos cheveux frisés & kinky !
L’huile de coco :
Cette huile, is in solid form, most of the time, and liquefies in the heating (by rubbing your hands, enough is enough). L’huile va gainer la fibre capillaire, et réduit la perte de protéines des cheveux. It will feed your deep curly hair & kinky.
Two ranges “clean” with coconut that will delight your hair ! Short ranges (yes no more than 3 Products), it changes !
Coconut Water de Camille Rose Naturals
A base d & rsquo; hyper hydrating coconut water, juice & rsquo; aloe vera tropical butters and oils.
Coco Curls, to define your curls !
Bonus !
To define your curls, I recommend the Coconut Cream Soft Curls Hair, Desert Essence of the brand. You can l & rsquo; buy on the site iherb, and here's a coupon code that will give you -10$ on your first order : VFH515