Lissage Brésilien, Japonais ou Xtenso ?

produits-marge-simpsons-changer-imgLissage Brésilien, Japonais ou Xtenso ?

If you also take the lead (and not literally) to choose what type of smoothing do and what type of hair, this article is for you !

Attention, these products are chemical, they require a test on a strand 48 hours in advance, to prevent any risk d & rsquo; allergy. Do not use if your hair is fragile (colors, highlights…). To read the instructions, or return your hair to a professional.


The Brazilian smoothing :

Est un soin réparateur thermoactif à base de kératine et silicones. It has a softening function, but do not stiffen hair as straightening or smoothing Xtenso. Your curls are relaxed, shiny and easy to style, you put a lot less time to blow dry or spend your straightener. The Brazilian smoothing hard 3 to 4 month and does not change the hair structure. For the & rsquo; it is imperative to maintain & rsquo; use a sulfate-free shampoo. I recommend this smoothing for those who wish not to change the texture of hair, and have a “lissage” not final. The most used Brazilian smoothing are INOAR and GO HAIR Straight.

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Yuko Japanese or smoothing :

C’est un lissage permanent fabriqué à base d’acides thiolés et d’amoniaque. It also contains silk proteins. It n & rsquo; no hair abyss if the protocol is followed to the letter, and if your hair is not already weakened (colorful, with highlights, straightened, Henna etc.…). If c & rsquo; is the case I strongly recommend. Japanese smoothing does not contain keratin, thus it is considered a straightening “sweet”. The texture of your hair will be transformed, so it will be necessary to repeat the roots that grow back curly, the lengths and ends are in turn permanently smoothed.
All about Japanese straightening HERE.

Korean smoothing :

It is similar to Japanese straightening, it contains thiol acids, changes the hair texture and smooth permanently.
Here is a video on a Korean smoothing performed on frizzy hair

The New York smoothing :

Its name is inspired by the ultra smooth, silky hair of the American, who love to pamper their hair, and more particularly to New York. The New York smoothing is, me exactly the same as X-smoothing tense, I will explain the features in the following paragraph. The Redken brand sells this smoothing.

X-smoothing tense :

After this round the world lofts, I would like to tell you about the X-tense smoothing L'Oreal, because I tested four times (1 annually). The first, second and third time, nothing to say, my hair was unrecognizable ! Smooth, bright and repaired. Fourth (and last) Once, however, does damage, but it was my fault, car j’ai, few months before, is a coloring, when my hair does not really support (it is not advisable to make a dry hair coloring and purposes). L’ajout du lissage X-tenso a donc empiré les choses et précipité le « décès » de mes cheveux. Rest assured, after a few months of good moisturizing hair care and repair, my hair are better and live again. I do not count again smoothing for now, because I want to return to natural. If it comes to the & rsquo; spirit back to smooth, I would do a Brazilian smoothing with keratin.

While this smoothing X-tense, What exactly is ? Like its Japanese and Korean cousins, c & rsquo; is a mild relaxer changing (smooth permanently) the texture of your hair. The existe 3 product indicia, according to your hair : Natural, sensitized, highly sensitized (although I advise you not to do it if your hair is fragile). Be sure to follow the user manual (to not only) and follow the pause time. It may be effected :
  • « à froid » just to reduce the volume (shampoo + Product Xtenso + drying / smoothing to the plates)
  • « à chaud » for a smoother result than smooth (shampoo + + Product Xtenso + smoothing the plates + fixer milk + re-shaping the plates).


produits-resultats-x-tenso-imgFor my first Xtenso, I was training model for L'Oreal, it has been done by a professional hairdresser (it was great). The other two times, I bought my products myself on the internet, for a total of about 80 € (lounge'll take a minimum of 300 € delivery), and I l & rsquo; have not done to a pro, the result was always the rendezvous (it's not complicated just have the hand, and to read a manual). The fourth time, that too, performed hairdresser, was the one that damaged my hair (but I repeat that this is because of the color I made earlier, but in no case, Product).

I highly recommend this product if you want finally (you will not find your natural texture, except your regrowing) au lisse et que vos cheveux sont « vierges ». A transition is necessary if you want to later regain your curls.
Price and duration : Allow between 200 and 800 €, depending on the length of your hair for smoothing mentioned above. Be patient, it takes more than three hours to complete application.

Smoothing kit Jean Louis David “Inspiré du lissage brésilien” (or Japanese)


J & rsquo; d have seen many & rsquo; negative product reviews. The technique is just “issue” Brazilian smoothing, so it n & rsquo; is not a true Brazilian smoothing. It does not contain keratin. Many girls l & rsquo; have tried this were left with damaged hair and brittle. Here are a video d & rsquo; blogger, on which the result n & rsquo; was not catastrophic.


In affordable prices, we still have the classic straightening.

Straightening :

As the name suggests, it straightens hair, has three product indices : sweet, medium and high. And also an indication for children, I advise even adults. I straightened my hair as a teenager, but I will not again. Même si les produits sont maintenant « sans soude » d’autres agents chimiques la remplace. Straightening hair destroys disulfide bonds. Of course your hair will be straight, but not flexible, dry, brittle and require deep care. Limit the frequency of straightening, you will lose your hair irreversibly. Avoid straightening in children, is toxic.

And to a successful single straightening, here is a video of Sweety Domie (it uses the ORS brand).


Update : Depuis la rédaction de cet article, je suis passée au “natural” et j’ai donc décidé de ne plus faire de lissage (chimiques ou au fer). Vous pouvez découvrir des articles sur l’entretien des cheveux naturels here.

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