Camille Rose Naturals Conditioner
Camille Rose Naturals is a brand that I & rsquo; appreciate. Components are “Natural” and it fits really well with my hair type. In this article, je vous présente l’après-shampooing Camille Rose Naturals Conditionner Soylicious.
Cet après-shampooing, Camille Rose Naturals Conditionner est super pour vos boucles. I let him ask 5-10 minutes after my shampoo and I begin my detangling with my wide tooth comb.
If you don & rsquo; not have time to make a mask later, it will largely l & rsquo; case.
Its smell is pleasant. However, its texture is creamier than liquid, giving it an aspect “heavy”. But that & rsquo; m is not what & rsquo; s will prevent & rsquo; use :).
I strongly recommend !